Not that long ago we started to notice a fellow hammocker on Instagram called Fredrik Wilhelmsson. He immediately caught our attention, because of his “unmatched” ability to get outdoors in his hammock.
It became clear to us that he shared our love for Microadventure and we asked him to share how easy it can be to get some quality hammock camping into your everyday life. Get hold of some hot brew and enjoy this easy read!
By Fredrik Wilhelmsson
Sometimes it’s difficult to find the time for an adventure in everyday-life. But, even a microadventure can bring great joy and new and exciting experiences.
At least once a month me and some friends go out and spend a night or two camping in the different forests surrounding Gothenburg.
Sometimes we hike for a while and go looking for a new and exciting campsite. Other times we take the car for a drive and walk as short as possible to a well-known campsite with a shelter and a big fireplace.
No need for weeks of planning and advanced lightweight gear. If you don’t hike to far, you can also bring all the “extras” for the night ahead and enjoy some really good food and drinks while experiencing the outdoors.
This time we went to an area called “One Mosse”. It’s a small lake located about 15 minutes from Gothenburg where there is a shelter and a nice fireplace just by the water.
Three of us had already gone up the day before to spend the whole weekend outdoors. When the rest of us arrived Saturday morning the campfire was already burning and the firewood for the night was collected.
We began searching for a nice place to put up our hammocks. One of the fun things about being a group is that you can learn new things every time you go out, and pick up some neat tricks from your fellow hammockers. For some of us fiddling with our gear at home and finding new small improvements is part of the fun of going camping.
More and more of us use the Amok Draumr on our micro adventures and everyone are really excited about them. Still, there is always some hammock discussions and new plans for the setup. How about a new way to put up the tarp to increase the view? Or maybe a better solution to watch a movie on the phone while enjoying your morning coffee in the hammock?
The weather was perfect during our afternoon, a bright blue sky and around zero degrees Celsius. But, the sun sets early during wintertime in Sweden. We spent the rest of the evening sitting around the fire, talking about the year that passed and our plans for the year to come while we enjoyed food and beer.
This time we grilled a couple of chickens and corn cobs. We also slow roasted a whole pork side. It took a few hours, but the result was amazing!After an evening spent around the fire with good friends it was time to call it a night. While sleeping under our tarps there came a bit of rain, but in the morning the sun burst through the clouds once again.
As usual I was the first one awake to get the fire going again soon after I prepared breakfast. Grilled-cheese sandwiches is a fantastic, easy and tasty morning meal. The sun kept shining during our second day as well and several people came passing by.
Our Amok hammocks turned an eye for almost everybody, and we had many curious questions and people that wanted to know about this new way of sleeping outdoors.It´s fun to show the equipment you love and maybe we sparked an interest so that more people can discover and enjoy the great outdoor life hammocking can bring.
Early afternoon we packed up our gear and got ready to go home. It was only a 30-minute walk to get to the car and then a 45-minute drive to get home. The nice thing about a Microadventure like this is that it does not require a lot of planning. If you have little time on your hands it’s the perfect getaway to fill up your batteries
If you are still reading, thank you! I hope i´ve inspired you to go on more adventures! Remember, small adventures are still adventures.
Merry Christmas,
Fredrik Wilhelmsson
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Mike Lindegrajn
January 08, 2018
Sad that I missed this trip, would love the grilled-cheese sandwiche…
Now my gear is not up to the low temperature so I have to wait for spring…or if the winter get a weekend with some celicius abowe +5